Sunday, May 25, 2008

Journey through Narnia - Prince Caspian Part 3: "I wasn't always a kid."


When we first see Susan Pevensie, she is being approached by a boy known in the credits only as the "geeky boy." Poor kid! You have to pity him even more when Susan rebuffs all his attempts at friendly conversation! He says that whenever he sees her, she's alone. Susan has not been adjusting very well to the Pevensies' return to England.
And neither has Peter. We first see him right in the middle of a fight with several other boys in a subway station. When Peter's and Susan's eyes meet, Susan looks a sort of resigned "not again!" and Peter looks guilty. Then Edmund heroically leaps into the fray, and - as a huge fan of LotR - I could just hear a triumphal statement of the Fellowship's theme (music example: Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli running at the beginning of The Two Towers). Edmund jumping in reminded me of Gimli doing the same thing to help Aragorn at Helm's Deep in The Two Towers. My brother noted that Edmund kept jumping on the older boys' backs.
Andrew Adamson looks at something in the movie that C. S. Lewis never looked at in the book, and it's something that I've wondered about before: how did the Pevensies adjust to going back to being kids back in England? And the film says (realistically, I think) that it was hard. Peter had been a thirty-ish High King of Narnia! Warrior king, even! Then he goes back to being an English schoolboy??

Peter: "I'm tired of being treated like a kid."
Edmund: (frowning) "We are kids."
Peter: "I wasn't always one..."

Peter - understandably - has a major attitude problem!
In fact, since we don't really find out anything about Edmund and Lucy in England, it's safe to assume that the younger two are coping better than their older siblings!

Coming Next: Called back into Narnia

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