Thursday, May 22, 2008

YouTube Commentary - Luke, Arwen, Peter, and Susan?

The first time I saw this video on YouTube, I saw Arwen Evenstar first... on a video that is called "Skywalkers!" I thought "what?" I kept watching, and saw Peter and Susan Pevensie. "What?!" And finally, Luke Skywalker. "WHAT?!"
So I read the description on the side:

"Its Several years after the Empire was defeated and A New War is starting, Luke and Jordan sit down with their Children Ben and Liv to talk about the upcomming war when Liv and Ben try to tell Luke they don't want him to go until luke explains what needs to be Done, Ben Changes his mind and wants to help and Liv Gets Mad at them all and well im sure you all can figure out the rest, just something i did randomly cause i was bored, hope you enjoy -Jordi
Also If anyones curious, Liv Tyler sings the song. Thanks To i was able to download it!" - TheBrokenAngel8
I call this one of my favorite YouTube vids. It's very creative and well-edited; and it contains one of my favorite songs from The Lord of the Rings movies as well as all three of my favorite films: LotR, Narnia, and Star Wars! As I am a fanatic of all three, it's cool to see the three of them mashed together.
If you turn up the volume on the very beginning, you can hear Susan ("Liv") say: "We wouldn't get caught up in a war."
The creator did a very good job picking the clips of the different films with the right lighting. Luke and the Pevensies, if not quite Arwen, look like they're really in the same room. And Luke's clips fit so well in the context, e.g. when he's trying to "convince his kids" and his "reaction to Liv's departure."
And I love the song, too:

With a sigh, you turn away
With a deepening heart, no words to say
You will find that the world has changed forever

The trees are now turning from green to gold
And the sun is now fading
I wish I could hold you closer

I love that song! Liv Tyler has such a beautiful voice!
I think that this video is an excellent example of what people can do with a little creativity, a lot of imagination, and - of course - the right ingredients!

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