Friday, May 23, 2008

Journey through Narnia - Prince Caspian Part 1: Returning to Narnia

After having watched The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe DVD a couple of times, I began to long for Prince Caspian to be filmed, as well. About a year ago, a friend of mine sent me a poster for the movie.

Finally, Prince Caspian as a movie was a real thing to me. Then come December, the same friend sent me a link to NarniaWeb, where he had seen the theatrical trailer for the film: The family computer was slow, however, and the wait for the trailer to upload completely was pure torture! Finally, my family and I were able to see it, and we were blown away. I remember commenting that just the trailer was better than the trailer for Return of the King. I retract that, but only so far as to say that the two are equal!

After that, I started checking NarniaWeb ( periodically for updates on the movie. I think that it was in March when things started heating up – after all, it would only be two more months until Prince Caspian's theatrical release in the US. By the time April came, I was checking NarniaWeb almost every day – I would be doing my daily email-check and my daily NW check at the same time! And, of course, in the four weeks before the release, there was a lot to check out. There was something to see almost every day – I probably downloaded over twenty YouTube videos in those four weeks! And I could not believe all the spoilers I was getting! My brother succinctly summed it up by saying that we knew just about everything that would happen in the movie before we saw it! We even got to see a few scenes almost completely like they are in the movie (only a few seconds here and there would be cut out of them).

The past couple of years, my family and I would watch the first movie on Easter, since Wardrobe is, after all, a fantasy retelling of The Greatest Story Ever Told. (Click here to find out about the LWW super-trailer, and here to see the trailer on YouTube.) This year, we decided to wait until the day before we went to see Prince Caspian. By the opening weekend, I wasn't just dying to see Caspian – I was dying to see Wardrobe, too! But opening weekend finally came, and we went to the theater on the second day. My siblings and I were hyped.

And sitting there with the commercials playing, I felt a sense of unreality, like I couldn't believe that we were finally here. But after half a year of excited anticipation, we really were here! We were about to return to Narnia!

Coming Next: Part 2: Everything You Know Is About to Change

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